Sarcastic Media Junkies

Keywords: office life; work office; memes; politics; satire; godinez; desk jockeys; jokes; trending. 

Description of their identity
Sarcastic Media Junkies is a tribe defined by two types of actions: proliferating news consumption through the media and using sarcasm to establish contact with the world. They are men and women aged from 20 to 40, who have generally informed office workers who show through humour the most important local and global news, situations they don't like, moments of tedium at work and events they want (in the form of projection).

Their social media is full of news and jokes about what bothers them inside the office or news referring to artists and politicians. Also, sarcastically, they show posts where they wish they were living moments of pleasure rather than working in the office. Also, they share photos of romanticizing office moments (for example, lunchtime). It is a "Godinez" attitude: work is suffered/enjoyed through sarcasm.