Teen Pinocchios

Keywords: sports cars; mansions; monuments, edited selfies; woman; life motivation phrases.

Description of their identity
Teen Pinoccios is a tribe, mainly composed of adolescent males, characterized by expressing their desire to belong to the adult and consumer world through the digital edition of their persona. In other words, they are adolescent profiles that seek to exalt their figure and, in parallel, manifest the luxury objects or affective moments they crave.

Fiction is, automatically, the element that provides them with a collective identity. Their digital activity edits their figure and reality to bring closer the dream situations that seem far away because of their age, physique or socioeconomic level. That is why there are so many images of cars they call "my car of the future", models with provocative poses, pictures of mansions they want to live in, edited profile pictures or pictures showing a celebrity. In short, it's all about using the digital to bring the real thing that is frantically desired closer.