Picky Forefronters

Consumer Tribe: Picky Forefronters

Picky Forefronters
Consumer Tribe: Picky Forefronters
Keywords: Sustainability, production processes, rare and unique wines, new wine experiences, travel, visits to exclusive restaurants, organic and natural wines.

Description of their identity

The tribe known as the Picky Forefronters comprises people from 25 to 35 years old who have an insatiable appetite for exploring uncommon wines in the context of the winemaking process's singularity, the wine's history, and the wine's aesthetic appeal. They have extremely high standards, both in terms of production techniques (natural and organic wines) on the one hand and new wine experiences to accompany their wine consumption (singular design and graphics), on the other. They enjoy telling others about their peculiar discoveries and unique experiences throughout their travels in the world of wine.

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