Cyberpixel Otakus

Consumer Tribe: Cyberpixel Otakus

Cyberpixel Otakus
Consumer Tribe: Cyberpixel Otakus
Keywords: Retrogaming, 80-90's anime and manga, cyberpunk universe, cosplay, family/couple.

Description of their identity

The Cyberpixel Otakus tribe, whose shared identity is based on the following three axes:

(1) A passion for the golden gaming era of the '80s and '90s manifested in the collection of various consoles and retro titles.
(2) A clear emphasis on Japanese video games and cyberpunk worlds.
(3) A taste for and interest in reading manga and watching anime, particularly from the 80s and 90s.

Their digital activity consists of sharing the collections of retro games they like to own and showcasing (aesthetically) video montages of anime from the 80s and 90s. They are also keenly interested in cyberpunk universes and anything that might refer to these aesthetics and cultural references, such as cosplay, games, figurines, etc. They are also seen daily, often accompanied by their families or partners.



Conversation Topics

Retrogaming, 80-90's anime and manga, cyberpunk universe, cosplay, family/couple.

Brands who they follow/interact with

Pokemon, Nintendo, CyberPunk2077, Kotaku, Discord, PC Gamer, GFuel, Funimation.

What hurts or causes them conflict

They experience frustration when they cannot find time to play games and watch their favorite content. In addition, the tribe's central pain is not being identified as aesthetically striking and unrelated to this "retro" world.

Kind of Stories consumed by the tribe

Content that appreciates and revisits both consoles and vintage games. These contents often revive epic battles during certain video games or even edit and reprogram popular franchises to introduce characters not part of the canon.

Google Ads Keywords

"Dragonball Kakarot," " Pokemon Community," "Cyberpunkaesthetic," "Cyberpunk Style," "Dreamcast," "GeForce rtx."

Facebook Ads Targeting

Demographics Interests Behaviors
-Entertainment - Games: Browser games, Online games, Video games / - Reading: Comics, Manga
-Other interests: Retro gaming, Retro Style, Dragon Ball, Toronto Comicon, Pokemon, Cosplay, Anime & Cosplay, Goku Super Sayan, Son Goku, Xbox.

What Social Media Accounts do they follow?

What Podcasts do they listen to?


Related Lifestyle

Brands and campaigns that may address this consumer tribe:

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