Retrostalgic Emovibes

Consumer Tribe: Retrostalgic Emovibes

Retrostalgic Emovibes
Consumer Tribe: Retrostalgic Emovibes
Keywords: Retronostalgic imagination, dark vision of the world, Japanese pop culture, scarycore, VHS, Nintendo 64.

Description of their identity

Retrostalgic Emovibes is a tribe whose shared identity is based on the following three axes:

(1) A dark worldview tinged with romance and lost hope

(2) The imaginary worlds of the 80's, 90's and especially the 2000's (especially gaming)

(3) Retro trash, horror and lust, and Japanese pop culture aesthetics.

These are mostly young individuals, and on their accounts they often share video montages mixing trash, lust, and nostalgia for the 80s/90s/2000s (an imaginary world they haven't lived through), photos of themselves with often black-and-white aesthetics, and texts in which they express their dark vision of the world and despair. They often choose filters imitating the old cameras of the 80s (VHS recorders).

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