T&Pm & Melanoma UK

Melanoma Awareness Month, T&Pm, UK, Beauty Spotters, Dark Skin

T&Pm & Melanoma UK

A toolbox and campaign are being developed to address racial disparities in skin cancer.

In May 2024, during Melanoma Awareness Month, the creative agency T&Pm and the patient support group Melanoma UK launched the Beauty Spotters campaign. The goal of the campaign was to dispel the myth that people with darker skin tones, such as black and brown, are not at risk of developing skin cancer and to raise awareness about a type of skin cancer known as acral melanoma, which has a higher incidence rate among people with darker skin tones. A Beauty Spotters Toolkit is being distributed as part of the campaign. This toolkit comprises nail stickers that draw attention to the symptoms of acral melanoma as well as an information pack. An chance for early cancer detection was created by the distribution of stickers to nail technicians and other beauty professionals, so changing normal beauty procedures into an opportunity.

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