Vanity Ladies

Consumer Tribe: Vanity Ladies

Vanity Ladies
Consumer Tribe: Vanity Ladies

Keywords: Family, couple, social events, elites, motherhood, relationships.

Description of their identity

This tribe is a compendium of female profiles between 35 and 55 years old who position themselves as mothers, wives and members of a particular social group. In this sense, Vanity Ladies construct the figure of the "lady" that implies a commitment to family, femininity and established social norms.

Their contents focus on showing their affective bonds, starting with a stable partner and then when there are children. Likewise, they offer closeness to other family members such as siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins. Social events are also a recurring theme among tribe members. For them, vacationing is a necessary practice for family bonding, and at the same time, for demonstrating a certain status.

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