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Case Studies
Case Studies
We search and collect from trend databases, advertising awards, and marketing magazines the best-applied ideas that can inspire creative campaigns, innovation, cool hunting, or experiences that bring value to consumer tribes.
We understand technology as the network and system of cultural knowledge that makes up a series of practical applications that allow adapting one or several biological species in different environments. Technology-related experiences refer to how tribes construct identity narratives using technological developments (including AI).
Consumer Statistics
Consumer Statistics
Make better decisions using this database of global statistics on consumer habits, preferences, and trends. The statistics presented come from specialized sources.
Business To Business
Business To Business
B2B experiences relate to consumer tribes that have their raison d'être from the professional careers they build over time. In other words, it is a lifestyle that depends on people sharing their professions, showing their successes in the company where they work, revealing their economic status, and relating their personality to the figure of successful business people.
Social Awareness
Social Awareness
Social Awareness comprehends the experiences that allude to the tribes that build their identity from their connection with social causes. It is a lifestyle defined by a devotion to fighting social injustices, helping others, joining political campaigns, making social injustices visible, and expressing their non-conformity with the unfair conditions in which they live.
Ecology and Sustainability
Ecology and Sustainability
Both ecology and sustainability are experiences that relate directly to the crisis of climate change, resource scarcity, and predatory economic models. Tribes that relate to these experiences choose to consume products and services that, while not solving the problem, at least promise not to make it worse.
Retail and Shopping
Retail and Shopping
Retail and Shopping is the name of the human experience that encompasses tribes that build their identity from the constant consumption of material objects. In other words, it is a lifestyle that allows people to orchestrate their daily lives from a latent expectation to obtain the latest online products to follow the most current trends and material objects that surround everyday life.
Consumer Tribes
Consumer Tribes
Consumer tribes are naturally occurring groups where tribe members identify with one another through shared meanings, experiences, and emotions. At Antropomedia, we have been compiling since 2011 the different collective representations with which audiences, consumers, or users identify themselves based on shared affinities. This information has shaped a complete compendium of consumer tribes that helps in any market segmentation process.
Health & Wellbeing
Health & Wellbeing
The experiences that consumer tribes have about their health and well-being are becoming more holistic and now include not only what they eat or practice as exercise but also how many mindful moments they reach and how much sleep they get.
Food & Beverage
Food & Beverage
Experiences related to Food & Beverage include ways of appreciating gastronomy, the foodie identity, bars and restaurants, new ingredients in food, experiences related to alcohol consumption, and prepared non-alcoholic drinks.
Social Media
Social Media
Social media function as a filter between collective, social, and personal reality. The experiences related to Social Media include using platforms in which content is shared, steamed, consumed, and edited in multiple formats.
Travel and Outdoors
Travel and Outdoors
Travel & Outdoors is the name of the human experience that refers to the consumer tribes that build their identity from traveling. This experience represents a set of human networks with a "nomadic" way of life: those who seek to overcome the sedentary lifestyle to take a break from the city.
Learning and Teaching
Learning and Teaching
Learning & Teaching includes the experiences that allude to the tribes that build their identity from the learning and teaching processes. It represents a lifestyle where people are concerned about recurrently enrolling in digital courses and academies, attending conferences or congresses in their field of study, and, where appropriate, teaching in schools and universities.
Film & TV Entertainment
Film & TV Entertainment
The experiences related to Film & TV Entertainment are presented from the relationship of audiences with productions, actors, studios, fictional characters, series, and programs that interest them and become essential parts of their identities.
Personal Aesthetics
Personal Aesthetics
Personal Aesthetics comprehend the experiences that allude to the consumer tribes that build their identity from their connection with aesthetic environments and their concern for beauty. It is a lifestyle that, to consolidate itself, attends fashion events, maintains an exercise routine, consumes the most current trends, values landscapes that beautify or adorn the individual, and manifests a constant concern for taking care of personal aesthetics through makeup or digital filters.
Fashion and Apparel
Fashion and Apparel
Experiences related to fashion, clothing, and wearables are essential to building our social display—the existence and sense of belonging that certain tribes experience is, in fact, entirely associated with fashion.
Sports and Games
Sports and Games
Sports and gaming experiences refer to the consumer tribes that build their identity from searching and experimenting with playful moments. It is about those ways of life where people consolidate their identity from the moments of distraction they spend in collective, gaming, sports, and moments of time-out.
Art & Culture
Art & Culture
Art & Culture comprehends the experiences that allude to the tribes that build their identity from their connection with artistic backgrounds. It is a lifestyle that likes to visit museums, walk through historical centers, appreciate the typical architecture of a place, value art exhibitions from its locality and history, and enjoy cultural goods such as music, digital arts, painting, literature, and dance.
Whether through modern luxury (aspirational and material) or postmodern luxury (inspirational and experience-based), social media have become indispensable tools for people to find, replicate, experience, and consume luxury.
Banking & Financial Services
Banking & Financial Services
Experiences related to banks and neo-banks, credit, and the crypto universe shape consumer tribes that aim to demonstrate the intelligence behind their good decisions.
Family & Relationships
Family & Relationships
Family and relationships are a type of experience that allows us to understand those consumer tribes that have their raison d'être based on the connection with the other, be it from an affective relationship (as a couple), friendship, animal pet, or family.
Mobility and Transport
Mobility and Transport
Some collective identities revolve around a passion for automobiles, for example. There are also truck drivers who are proud of their guild or bike riders who opt for green mobility. These ways of experiencing the relationship between mobility and transportation fit into this category.
An avatar can be defined as ‘an interactive social representation of a user’ or an instrument of co-presence or a mediated encounter between networked subjects. The struggle to build an avatar and create a sense of belonging then gets acted upon through the engagement with consumer culture, an association with brands, types of music, and material possessions in order to achieve affinity with others.
Real Estate & Construction
Real Estate & Construction
Tribes also experience forms of consumption that have to do with physical spaces. Whether through new ways of thinking about architecture, the construction industry, or the sale and rental of homes, this experience encompasses them all.
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